Upload My Music Library to Google Play Music

Note: Google Play Music is no longer available
All the best Google Play Music features live on in YouTube Music. Come and play, share, find and build a new library of music that you honey.

As far every bit top-notch deject-based music streaming service is concerned, Google Play Music is meliorate than other alternatives. And, its biggest highlight is that you can upload upwardly to whopping 50,000 tracks to Google'southward trusted servers free of cost. Sounds impressive? Follow along to add your iTunes library to Google Play Music using your Mac or Windows PC and stream them both from your iOS or other mobile device and web.

One important thing worth noting upfront is that Google'due south music app lets up upload several file formats including MP3, M4A, OGG, M4P, FLAC, and WMA. However, it converts all of your songs into MP3 format. Though it keeps most of the metadata similar artist info and album art, things similar iTunes ratings and comments are removed due to incompatibility. So, move alee keeping these notable things in mind.

How to Add Your iTunes Library to Google Play Music

Stride #1. The first affair that you might want to practice earlier going ahead with the process is check out your library. I obvious benefit of it is that information technology will aid you in dragging and dropping your music files a bit conveniently.

On Your Mac: Launch Finder on your Mac ⟶ Macintosh HD ⟶ Users ⟶ The folder with your name ⟶ Music ⟶ iTunes.

Check out iTunes library on Mac

On Windows PC: To access iTunes music folder on your Windows PC, open C:\ bulldoze in Windows Explorer ⟶ Users folder ⟶ Your name ⟶ iTunes folder.

Step #two. Next, you accept two options:

  • Apply Chrome to upload your songs to Google Play Music's web interface
  • Take the assistance of official Music Managing director application to move your songs to Google cloud

You can use any of the 2 options to consign your iTunes library to the Google Music. We are going to try out both the options:

Open Chrome on your computer and caput over to the Google Play Music website. Then you need to sign into your Google business relationship. Next, click on the carte du jour button at the elevation-left corner of the screen.

Click on Menu bar in Google Play Music

Stride #iii. Next up, click on Upload music.

Click on Upload music in Google Play Music

And and then simply drag and drop all of your songs from the iTunes library to this window.

Drag and drop songs from the iTunes library in Google Play Music

Alternately, you lot can also click on "Select from your computer" button ⟶ navigate to the music files and upload them.

Up adjacent, click on Continue and so you demand to add together Google Plus Music extension to the browser.

Add Google Plus Music extension to Chrome browser

Now, you need to wait until all of your music has been successfully uploaded. The time it volition take to complete the uploading depends on the file size likewise as the Wi-Fi speed.

Notation: When you lot click on Upload music, you volition be asked to add your card every bit a form of payment. Don't worry, y'all won't exist charged for standard service. It's washed to confirm your country of residence. Follow the instruction to add together information technology.

Uploading your iTunes library to Google Music via Music Manager is just equally straightforward. You can download it both on your Mac and Windows PC.

Download and Install Music Manager on Mac

Then, merely open the app ⟶ click on Continuesign into your Google Account ⟶ select what you want to upload and hit the Continue button.

Add iTunes Library to Google Play Music Using Music Manager

Up next, y'all have three options:

  • Upload all songs and playlists
  • Select songs to upload past Playlist
  • Include podcasts in Upload

You can select the options based on your need. I'm going to upload all the songs and playlists. In one case you have selected the option, click on Continue over again.

Next, yous will be asked whether you want to automatically upload songs that you lot add to iTunes. Select Yes or No. Click on Continue again to start the exporting process.

Select Yes and then click on Continue to Upload iTunes Playlist

Check Out your Uploaded Songs:

Once you have successfully moved your entire music library to Google Play Music, you lot tin can check out whether it's perfectly onboard or not. To become information technology done, simply open the web app ⟶ head to Music LibrarySongs.

Check Out Upload iTunes Playlist in Google Play Music

It's just equally simple on the mobile app. Just launch the Google Play Music app on your smartphone ⟶ Library tab at the bottom ⟶ check out your songs.

Check Out Upload iTunes Playlist in Google Play Music App

Now that yous take moved your music to Google's music app, become ahead and stream it. Currently, the app offers a nine.99/monthly plan and $14.99/ monthly family plan ( up to 6 people).

That's done!

Despite having several impressive features, Google'southward music app isn't ruling the roost. While Spotify has connected to exist the leader by a long altitude, Apple tree Music has fast emerged as its biggest competitor thanks to the rapid growth. Moreover, Apple's music app is soon expected to topple Spotify in the USA. Which is your favorite music app and why?

You might want to read these posts likewise:

  • Split iTunes library into multiple folders!
  • How to Reset iTunes Library on Mac
  • Stream Music to Multiple Speakers with AirPlay 2
  • How to Motion iTunes Library from One PC to Another


Source: https://www.igeeksblog.com/how-to-upload-itunes-library-to-google-play-music-on-mac-windows-pc/

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