How Long Before You Can Get a Buzz Again Juul

Woman Vaping

I want to be a vaper non a smoker

Vaping for beginners

The difference between deciding to quit smoking and making the switch to vaping is that you don't need to brand a conclusion: the certitude that smokers usually feel is avoided; there doesn't need to be the final cigarette; there doesn't have to exist the ceremonial cigarette packet stomping; there is admittedly no pressure, and more than that, no fear.

Yous are embarking on a journey to go 'smoke-free'. Information technology might take y'all a 24-hour interval, it might have longer, just you can make the switch completely. Nosotros are not here to judge, we are here to help you on your style to becoming a vaper. This vaping guide will give yous everything you need to know about how to quit smoking.

Information technology may be difficult, make no bones almost it, nothing worth having is easy. There will exist challenges and obstacles to overcome, merely the experience of millions of people tells us that it tin can be washed. This guide to vaping will help you lot make the switch from traditional cigarettes to vaping. Remember Vaping Saves Lives.

No smoking icon

Making the switch from cigarettes to vaping

You are embarking on your 'smokefree' journey. We can help y'all make the switch.

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E-cigarette icon

How do I cull my kickoff east-cig?

Remainder satisfaction with ease of use. Start with our recommended starter kits.

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E-liquid bottle icon

How do I know what eastward-liquid to choose?

Utilise how many cigarettes you fume as a guide. Choose your nicotine forcefulness and flavor.

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Alcohol glasses icon

Avoiding smoking triggers

E-cigarettes assist to avoid smoking triggers past covering all the bases.

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Let'due south clear upward some vaping myths

We volition ever provide the real facts almost vaping and aim to keep our customers informed.

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I'm a vaper, what at present?

Don't rush. Don't put whatsoever pressure on yourself. Don't forget to stock upwards.

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Making the switch from cigarettes to vaping

Totally Wicked has well over 10 years' feel in the vaping industry and we have defended that fourth dimension to building up a base of the very best products to help smokers to switch to e-cigs. All Totally Wicked outlets have a selection of recommended starter kits that are like shooting fish in a barrel to apply, designed for new vapers and come with everything y'all need to start vaping straight away. This range of the all-time east-cigs in the UK is guaranteed to have something for everyone.

What happens when you quit smoking and starting time vaping?

Before choosing your e-cig at that place are a few things that every new vaper needs to know;

1. There is an ideal due east-cigarette for pretty much everyone. But it might not be the commencement 1 you attempt or the 1 that y'all thought you wanted before you tried it. Not all smokers apply the same brand of cigarettes, and this analogy carries over to e-cigs. Not all e-cigs are suited to all vapers, so if you have tried vaping before and information technology didn't work, don't surrender. Attempt again with a different e-cigarette starter kit, and if yous are stuck, many Finish Smoking services now have "vape friendly" counsellors that are well versed in helping people to quit smoking using an due east-cigarette. Call them and brand an appointment. Totally Wicked is besides hither to help. Popular into a Totally Wicked store, where the National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT) programme is in place. This means that our squad members non simply offer the best vaping advice, just can also guide you lot on all aspects of smoking abeyance. Phone call u.s.a. on 01254 692244 or use the "alive chat" at the bottom right if you need information technology. All of our customer service squad are trained ho help  with smoking cessation and will be happy to help you make your choice.

ii. You will probably cough at starting time. This is normal. The sensation of vaping is different from smoking. Most smokers will cough the first time they try vaping, this is unremarkably downwards to inhaling similar a smoker, not a vaper (which we will cover in more detail later). Vapour also feels 'thicker' than smoke as you inhale, and this tin can cause a coughing from the change in awareness. There are routes to accept with due east-liquid choice which tin can combat the cough, such as nicotine table salt. Talk to our team, they volition exist able to help. Just recollect whatsoever coughing is temporary and will laissez passer within a few days of starting vaping.

3. Yous might go a dry mouth. Non just a dry oral cavity but a dry nose and throat. This is also normal. There are 4 main ingredients in e-liquid (three if your e-liquid is nicotine gratis). Some of these ingredients are hygroscopic; this essentially ways that they draw h2o to them, abroad from you! The more than familiar you become with vaping the less noticeable this is. Simply drink the occasional extra glass of water when you kickoff vaping.

iv. At that place might be false starts. You are attempting to change a addiction that you may take had for years. Some people will selection up an e-cig and never touch on a cigarette again, others will slowly cut down over time. The idea is, if y'all have one cig in the morning or 10 through the mean solar day, don't crush yourself up over it. If you are peckish a cigarette it might exist that something needs adjusting; your due east-liquid strength for instance.

5. Vape like a vaper, not a smoker. The first error people usually make is attempting to vape similar a smoker. When yous puff harder on a cigarette you go more smoke; this does not work when vaping. At that place is zip already lit and called-for, and then your e-cig needs time to produce vapour. You lot have to vape like a vaper. Longer, slow and steady puffs make a globe of difference.

6. You may become frustrated. Smokers get their nicotine hitting nigh instantly; cigarettes accept been tweaked over many years to ensure this happens. The nicotine striking from vaping takes slightly longer, just on the flip side, the satisfied feeling lasts longer. If you take had a vape and still feel that familiar craving, just await a few minutes. It is hard to not be frustrated, but you will be surprised how speedily y'all adapt to this difference.

seven. You lot can vape too much. Unlike a cigarette yous tin can continue your east-cig with you lot all the time, happily taking a draw whenever you lot experience you demand information technology. Can you lot vape too much? Yes, you tin, just like yous can smoke a cigarette likewise many, particularly if yous are on a higher nicotine strength. What are the side effects of vaping likewise much nicotine? If this does happens you might go some mild side furnishings similar to smoking too much, and that pass just every bit quickly: typically a headache, balmy nausea, or dizziness. Stop vaping and await for these to pass. If this happens every time you vape, the chances are your nicotine strength is besides loftier. This is covered in more detail after.

man vaping

How do I cull my first e-cig?

Let's be very clear, vaping and smoking are not the same.

It is easy to low-cal upwardly a cigarette; vaping takes longer. Electronic cigarettes require some calorie-free upkeep, such as charging the battery, changing parts when they need replacing and topping upward with e-liquid when you lot are running depression. This is why choosing the right device to suit your needs is of import, pre-filled pod e-cigs as an example are extremely easy to use and require almost no upkeep. If you wanted to endeavour the simplest fashion to vape, so you can opt for a disposable vape, which is pre-filled with due east-liquid and has a charged battery, yous just demand to inhale to vape. Even knowing this, it is easy to sideslip dorsum into the mindset "It would exist easier to nip the shop and become a packet of fags."

The mode to combat this is to balance satisfaction against ease of use. Y'all need to choose an eastward-cig that you can easily maintain, an e-liquid that you beloved the sense of taste of, and to brand sure that yous actually enjoy vaping. So what is the best e-cigarette starter kit?

As previously mentioned there is no single perfect e-cig for everyone. Every vaper searches for something different from their vaping feel. Some people feel more satisfied when they are exhaling a cloud of vapour, some intendance more about tasting a nice flavor, others want vaping to feel as shut to smoking equally possible.

If you demand help or advice, speak to a "vape friendly" smoking cessation counsellor or popular into a Totally Wicked shop. Every team member is given comprehensive preparation to assistance people to quit. Known every bit NCSCT training, this comprehensive prepare of modules means that our staff are amongst the most qualified to help you make the switch to vaping. And then, no matter which Totally Wicked store you visit, you can wait the all-time advice and guidance on starting your vaping journeying. Alternatively, y'all tin can contact us via phone 01254 692244, email, or live chat at the bottom right corner of your screen. You won't know what blazon of vaper y'all are when y'all first showtime out, and this is where the experimentation and patience come in. If you buy an e-cig and information technology doesn't feel correct or doesn't work as well as you expected, the chances are you don't demand a new eastward-cig, you might just need to change e-liquid, try a dissimilar atomizer head or alter the way you are inhaling.

New vapers can choose from a range of starter kits, each has different features that play to an private vaper'southward needs. They all come with everything that you need to beginning vaping, and many vapers find they never need to "progress" from their commencement e-cig.

What is an east-cigarette?

One affair you volition observe quickly is the number of due east-cigarette and vaping pods to cull from, so it can experience similar a minefield at first. How much you want or need to understand nigh due east-cigarettes should influence your selection, and if the brusk respond is that this department seems to be getting complicated, you probably need a prefilled pod e-cigarette.

Each type of e-cig comes with its ain pros and cons. Remember, there is no one style fits all when information technology comes to vaping. Unremarkably they are broken down into two categories, pod e-cigs and refillable east-cigs.

vape pod e-cigs

Pod e-cigs

Pod e-cigs, exactly as the proper noun suggests, are an e-cig that has a pod or cartridge, not a tank. They are commonly 'pen-shaped' and made upwardly of just 2 parts: a rechargeable battery, and a pod or cartridge that clicks into the battery. Aimed at new vapers or smokers who are looking to make the switch to vaping, they are designed to be simple to use and exceptionally like shooting fish in a barrel to maintain. Some vape pods take buttons, only most are automatic, which means you just describe on them like a cigarette to vape. Most of them are compact, unimposing and designed to mimic the awareness of smoking.

Prefilled pods

Prefilled pods are supplied full of east-liquid, making them the simplest possible devices to utilise. Anything that is consumable or might need replacing is included in the pod, and when it is empty you lot just discard the pod and pop a new 1 in.

Refillable pods

Refillable pods are supplied empty, so y'all tin can fill up them with your pick of eastward-liquid. They can be refilled around 10 times before they finish producing great vapour, at which point you just fill up up a new pod and click it in. This means they are not quite as simple to use every bit prefilled pods, but running costs are quite a flake lower.

Refillable due east-cigs

The traditional, refillable type of e-cig is probably what you are used to seeing people utilize. They are made up of a bombardment, a tank that is refilled with e-liquid and an atomizer head. They come in a diverseness of shapes and sizes from a smaller pen mode to a big box shape. Virtually of these e-cigs volition have a button to press to vape and many accept settings that can be adjusted. They are then filled with whatever strength and flavour of e-liquid yous choose. These e-cigs are not solely aimed at new vapers, although some will be designed with them in mind and are usually called starter kits.

Advantages of pod due east-cigs

  • Most closely mimics the awareness of smoking.
  • Extremely like shooting fish in a barrel to use and maintain.
  • Compact and discreet.

Advantages of refillable east-cigs

  • Most cost effective to vape long term.
  • More choice of style and settings.

lady vaping

How practise I know what due east-liquid to choose?

There are 2 choices you demand to make, what nicotine forcefulness and what flavour.

Nicotine forcefulness can be guided by the number of cigarettes you smoke a mean solar day, below are our suggested strengths.

1 - v a day 0.6% (6mg/ml)
five - 15 a day one.0% (10mg/ml)
15 - twenty a day 1.four% (14mg/ml)
20+ a day 1.viii% (18mg/ml)

Mostly, the fewer cigarettes y'all smoke, the lower the nicotine strength you will need. The guide above is a actually proficient starting point and yous should refer to this when choosing your start eastward-liquid.

This is most definitely not set in stone: you might smoke 5 a day only demand a one.viii% e-liquid to satisfy your cravings, you might smoke 20 a solar day and need a 0.6%, y'all have to endeavor and meet what suits you best.

If you are vaping and still experience the demand to smoke, you may need to increase the nicotine strength you employ. If you experience you lot are getting too much nicotine, reduce the strength slightly, or just vape less ofttimes. Importantly, remember that it is the tar and carbon monoxide in cigarettes that are deadly, not the nicotine. There is no huge health benefit or virtue in trying to apply the lowest nicotine strength that yous can get away with.

Choosing an east-liquid flavour tin can exist as involved equally you desire to make information technology, and is as well ane of the more than enjoyable parts of vaping every bit at that place is so much choice. The gustation of due east-liquid is so subjective that it can be tough to recommend the platonic season, what ane person loves another cannot stand.

Most new vapers will starting time off with a tobacco or menthol flavour as they are familiar and can make the switch from cigarettes to vaping slightly easier. One time you lot are accepted to vaping y'all tin can first to experiment with the hundreds of flavours available.

A proficient dominion to follow when y'all are commencement starting out is to have it slowly. Requite your body fourth dimension to adjust to the e-liquid you have chosen. Don't buy 30 bottles of one strength and flavour until y'all are completely comfortable that you can vape it all day and that yous have pinned down the best strength for y'all.

choosing e-liquid

avoiding smoking triggers

Avoiding smoking triggers

Inquire yourself this question: Why do you want to be a vaper and not a smoker?

Is it for health reasons, finances, fed up of standing in the pelting to low-cal up, don't want to smell like an ashtray? Write down all the reasons yous desire to make the switch, and if you e'er require a cigarette reach for your e-cig and and then expect back at that listing.

It tin can assist if y'all identify your craving triggers. Is it when y'all wake upwardly and have your first coffee? After eating? When you lot are driving? Once you lot accept identified when yous are virtually likely to desire to smoke yous tin can outset to head the cravings off before they start.

Make sure you won't run out of eastward-liquid, your battery is charged and you accept your e-cig with you. If you are craving just attain for your e-cig instead of lighting a cigarette.

Equally ex-smokers, we have to battle against 'euphoric call up' and for some this never goes away. It's the warm fuzzy feeling when yous think back to that first cig of the day, simply it is a false memory considering we know smoking is bad for u.s.. We are addicted to the habit.

It is ever best if you prefer the mantra 'Not one puff'. Vaping is one of the best ways to quit smoking. As long as yous accept your e-cig with yous, whatsoever cravings are covered by vaping.

How can you avoid these 'triggers'?

E-cigs embrace a larger proportion of these. They help people avoid cravings as they address so many of a smoker'south habits, behaviours and sensations:

Hand to mouth action The movement of vaping is the same every bit smoking. You elevator something to your lips and back again. This hand to mouth action is a habit that tin be hard to suspension and ex-smokers tin can struggle to proceed their easily busy.
The sensation of inhaling Smokers inhale smoke from a cigarette, vapers inhale vapour from an eastward-cig. This activity is not missed equally information technology doesn't go abroad, you are inhaling something that feels similar to smoking.
The release of exhaling Exhaling that plume of smoke and feeling the release that comes with information technology is something smokers who go cold turkey struggle with. Vaping can give you a cloud of vapour and the feeling of exhaling.
Nicotine delivery Vaping is a cleaner alternative to get the nicotine your trunk is peckish. Equally discussed earlier the nicotine delivery is slightly slower than a regular cigarette but the satiated feeling lasts longer.
Throat hit This is hard to describe to a non-smoker, but as a smoker, yous volition probably understand. Vaping gives you a sensory response in the throat similar the one you are used to from a cigarette. That warmth/tingling/tightness that you feel in your throat and chest equally y'all inhale.

Allow's articulate up some vaping myths

Before we leave y'all, we felt information technology was important to clear up some of the recurring vaping myths. These are long-standing claims that are wheeled out past the media when they are having a 'slow news' mean solar day.

Due east-cigarettes are as harmful every bit smoking

There are many studies disproving this negative claim. In the first long-term health written report of a group of vapers that had never smoked, conducted over a menstruum of three and a half years, Professor Riccardo Polosa of the Academy of Catania and his enquiry group ended in 2017 that rather than just being far safer than smoking, long-term vapers who had never smoked were identical in respiratory wellness to those who neither smoked nor vaped.

Need a little more evidence that vaping is less harmful than smoking? United kingdom Wellness Security Agency and the Royal College of Physicians state that e-cigarettes are at to the lowest degree 95% less harmful than tobacco and in 2017 electronic cigarettes were recommended during the UK regime'due south 'Stoptober' entrada equally a legitimate quitting help.

Second mitt vapour is harmful

While we all know that 2nd-hand smoking is harmful, this is often incorrectly practical to vaping too. Surprisingly Lorillard Tobacco Visitor published a study to reveal that passive vaping isn't harmful. The 2014 study compared the levels of carcinogens in 2nd-manus vape to second-hand fume. It concluded that 2nd-hand vapour contains the same level of carcinogens as the ambient air that anybody breathes.

Eastward-cigarettes are not an constructive quit smoking tool

This mythical claim had always seemed strange to those of us that have successfully moved away from smoking through vaping. At the beginning of 2019 a research squad, led past Professor Peter Hajek of Queen Mary Academy of London, published the results of a randomized trial in the New England Journal of Medicine. The results showed not just that e-cigarettes were helpful in quit attempts, just that they were near twice equally effective every bit the 'gold standard' combination of nicotine replacement products they were compared with.

E-liquid gives you 'popcorn lung illness'

This is a actually popular myth, and through sensationalist media coverage seems to have get ingrained in the minds of many. It has absolutely no foundation in truth, as Martin Dockrell, Tobacco Control Atomic number 82 at Public Health England elucidates:

"Ane of the about commonly held safety concerns is that e-cigarettes might cause 'popcorn lung'. Britain vapers have aught to fearfulness on that count. The business came near because some flavourings used in e-liquids incorporate a chemical called diacetyl, and that a high level of exposure has been associated with 'popcorn lung'. However, diacetyl is banned from e-cigarettes and due east-liquid in the Great britain".

Our e-liquids don't comprise diacetyl.
We reach keen flavours without this additive.

Vaping is more addictive than smoking

There is evidence to suggest that e-cigarettes are far less addictive than regular cigarettes. Ane report past Jean-François Etter in 2015 suggests east-cigarettes are similarly or less addictive than nicotine gum, both being far less addictive than traditional cigarettes.

I'1000 a vaper, what now?

Man vaping

This is a footstep on a journey...

Don't let the pressure level to stop smoking entirely gear up y'all upwardly to neglect: if you manage it speedily, fantastic; if you continue to vape and reduce your smoking, go on going! You really are best to terminate smoking entirely.

Don't lower your nicotine strength until you are sure you are set up. If 1.viii% e-liquid satisfies your cravings, stay with it for as long every bit you need.

If you lot take a goal of existence smoking and vaping free, then aim towards that. Smoking Cessation counsellors and Totally Wicked stores will help y'all on that journeying.

Equally millions of vapers take already proved, being 100% smoke-free is an achievable and beneficial goal

Other than this, inform yourself and bask vaping.

If you lot demand whatsoever further help or advice Totally Wicked has trained, friendly staff in store, on the phone, via email or on the website'south live chat area.


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