What Involves Invoking a Penalty Against an Employee Who Fails to Meet Established Standards?

Attendance and Punctuality

EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 2015


Timely and regular attendance is an expectation of operation for all Vanderbilt employees. To ensure adequate staffing, positive employee morale, and to meet expected productivity standards throughout the organization, employees will be held answerable for adhering to their workplace schedule. In the event an employee is unable to meet this expectation, he/she must obtain blessing from their supervisor in advance of any requested schedule changes. This approving includes requests to use advisable accruals, every bit well as late arrivals to or early departures from work. Departments have discretion to evaluate extraordinary circumstances of a tardy, absenteeism or failure to clock-in or clock-out and determine whether or not to count the incident as an occurrence. Hr Consultants are available to advise supervisors regarding the evaluation of extenuating circumstances.


I. Absent

An employee is deemed absent when he/she is unavailable for work equally assigned/scheduled and such time off was not scheduled/approved in advance every bit required by department notification procedure.

II. Tardy

An employee is accounted to be tardy when he/she:

  • Fails to report for work at the assigned/scheduled work time. In these instances, managers may supercede the tardy employee for the full shift.
  • Leaves work prior to the end of assigned/scheduled work fourth dimension without prior supervisory approving.
  • Takes an extended meal or break period without approval
  • Arrives to piece of work past his/her scheduled get-go time may be replaced for the full shift at the discretion of his/her supervisor.

Three. Fourth dimension Clocks and Failure to Clock in/out

Employees are required to follow established guidelines for recording their actual hours worked. A missed clock in/out is a violation of this policy and includes:

  • Failure to clock in/out on their designated time clock (i.e. Kronos station) at the beginning and/or stop of their assigned shift;
  • Failure to clock in/out on their designated time clock for the meal interruption;
  • Failure to accurately and timely study time worked.
  • Clocking in/out early on (or late) of assigned shift without prior approval.

Four. Departmental Notification Procedure

Employees are expected to follow departmental notification procedures if they volition be tardily for work, will not be at work, or are requesting planned time away from work. Employees must request in advance to their supervisor or designee and in accordance with departmental process if they wish to arrive early or exit early from an assigned shift.

At the time of notification/call, the employee must notify their supervisor when an absence is due to a documented/approved exit of absenteeism (e.one thousand. Military Get out, FMLA) in order to ensure appropriate tracking of leave utilization and absenteeism.

An employee who fails to call in and written report to work as scheduled for three consecutively scheduled work days will be viewed as having abandoned their position and employment will exist terminated. The supervisor should consult with Human Resources if this situation occurs.

Incidents of not following the departmental notification procedures, including No-Call/No-Show, will be addressed in accord with the Progressive Discipline policy.

V. Progressive Discipline Process

Supervisors should monitor their employees' attendance on a regular ground and address unsatisfactory attendance in a timely and consequent mode. If supervisors detect a pattern of unscheduled usage of accrued fourth dimension off banks, they should discuss this business organization with the employee.

When an employee has been previously counseled under the Progressive Discipline Policy and/or the Performance Accountability and Delivery Policy, the totality of the circumstances volition be assessed when determining further action. For situations involving break or termination of employment, the supervisor should consult with Homo Resources prior to implementing disciplinary action.

Timely and regular omnipresence is a performance expectation of all Vanderbilt employees. Consequently, those employees who have exhibited unsatisfactory attendance which resulted in disciplinary activity (written or final) during the course of the year may have the behavior documented in their almanac evaluation.


An occurrence is documented equally an absence, tardy or missed time clock in/out. While an absence refers to a single failure to exist at work, an occurrence may cover sequent absent days when an employee is out for the aforementioned reason.

The post-obit grid is designed to provide guidelines when addressing the total number of occurrences in a rolling 12 month period, provided that the reason for an occurrence is not protected nether FMLA or ADAAA.


Notation: The full number of days an employee is unavailable for piece of work every bit scheduled and the full number of occurrences are considered when applying subject field. For example, at Step 1 the maximum number of days the employee is allowed to be unavailable for work earlier receiving a Exact Coaching is six, regardless of the number of occurrences.

New Hire Orientation Menstruation

An employee, within his/her Orientation menstruation, who has ii occurrences should receive a Written Warning; if the employee has greater than two occurrences within the Orientation flow, employment may be terminated; should the Orientation period exist extended, this rule still applies.


If an employee calls out of work the 24-hour interval earlier, the mean solar day of, or the day after a holiday, the manager will review the circumstances of the absence. Based on this review, the manager has the discretion to decide whether to count the incident equally a regular occurrence or become directly to issuing a Written Alert for the holiday-related call out. If an employee is already on subject they can progress to the side by side level.

VI. Departmental Policies-Approval Procedure

Vanderbilt entities may develop a departmental attendance/punctuality policy that meets the unique operational needs of the section. If the leadership determines that a departmental policy is needed, the department will follow its entity'southward blessing process to found the policy which requires terminal approving from the entity's Senior Executive Leadership.

This policy is intended as a guideline to assist in the consistent application of Academy policies and programs for employees. The policy does non create a contract unsaid or expressed, with any Vanderbilt emplolyees, who are employees at will. Vanderbilt reserves the correct to change this policy in whole or in role, at any time, at the discretion of the University.

Approved by Traci Thousand. Nordberg, Chief Human Resource Officer and Associate Vice Chancellor

Approved by Eric Kopstain, Vice Chancellor for Administration


Source: https://hr.vanderbilt.edu/policies/attendance-punctuality.php

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