Youtube I Cant Edit My Uploads Playlist or See It

According to YouTube'due south Creator Academy , "Not bad playlists can keep viewers watching longer." In fact, if yous desire to increase the watch time on your YouTube videos, and make your content more discoverable, i of the easiest strategies is creating multiple playlists on your YouTube aqueduct. In addition to that, use an online video editor to create super engaging videos for your playlists in less than v minutes!

We accept written this ultimate guide for YouTube playlists where we're going to share:

       1. What are YouTube Playlists?
       two. How to create and edit a YouTube playlist for your channel?

And if you lot stay tuned till the terminate nosotros've besides shared all-time practices so you lot can brand the most of your YouTube playlists. Let'south dive in.

1. What are YouTube playlists?

YouTube playlists are similar-themed or related videos that are bunched together and organised in a listing. Let's check out a few basic tenets about playlists:

  • When a user watches a video in a playlist, the other videos automatically play in sequence. For example, check out this playlist of "Makeup basics with Maybelline New York." Yous can see the videos in the playlist sequence on your right.

YT playlist of Makeup basics with Maybelline New York

  • Both YouTube viewers and creators tin make playlists on YouTube. In fact, when yous similar a video on YouTube, it becomes a function of your personal "Liked Videos" playlist. YouTube automatically creates playlists like "Your Movies," "Watch After" or "Saved Videos" for y'all. You lot can find these playlists on your YouTube homepage on the left side of your screen or in the "Library" section on mobile.

YouTube Library

  • Users can make playlists to save favourite songs, tutorials or important videos too.
  • Meanwhile, brands brand themed playlists. This is a cool way to brand it super easy for viewers to find content. For example, Netflix'southward YouTube channel has playlists on different shows, which makes it easy for viewers to rampage watch videos of their favourite characters and shows.

Netflix's YouTube channel

Why create a YouTube playlist?

Here are iii reasons that brand YouTube playlists super important for brands, businesses and YouTubers alike:

A. Playlists aid you lot curate and categorise your content

Playlists brand information technology super piece of cake for you lot to organise your videos into categories and themes. Yous tin include videos from your ain aqueduct and from other channels you admire as well in your playlists. This is slap-up for a brand or a content creator, because information technology allows anyone who visits your aqueduct page to detect the right and relevant content easily.

For example, if a user is interested in Korean music and dramas, they will easily discover playlists on Korean songs, idols, reality Television set, dramas, etc., on the KBS World Network Youtube channel. This not merely helps you introduce your viewers to more content that they honey, but as well showcases your channel's creativity and personality.

KBS World Network Youtube channel

B. Playlists increment Scout Time on your YouTube videos

It'southward elementary actually - since playlists have videos arranged in a sequence, which automatically play one later the other, users are likely to sentinel your content for a longer flow of time. Since "Spotter Time" is a high ranking benchmark on YouTube , this in turn helps your videos rank higher.

Playlists increase Watch Time on your YouTube videos Example

Playlists can also assistance boost views of certain videos that aren't performing well. Yous but place the popular videos at the superlative, followed past the less popular ones in the playlist.

C. Playlists help in creating better content and boosting SEO

Playlists can rank for keywords that your audition is searching for. They help viewers discover videos without much hassle equally they announced in search results and suggested videos too. This makes them slap-up for SEO. For example, anyone searching for Microwave mug meals might end up on Gemma'southward Like shooting fish in a barrel 1 Minute Microwave Recipe Playlist.

Gemma's Easy 1 Minute Microwave Recipe Playlist.

Also, based on the number of views your playlist gets, you lot tin can determine what kind of videos piece of work for your audience. This volition help you create better content, as well as optimise your existing content for your audition and consequently increment your subscribers.

PRO TIP: If you want to dive deeper into how you tin can get your videos ranked on YouTube, you should definitely check out this extensive guide on YouTube SEO.

2. How to create and edit a YouTube playlist on your channel?

In this department, we will cover everything you need to know nearly creating, editing, and deleting YouTube playlists with elaborate footstep-by-step guides.

A. Hither'due south a step past step process of creating a YouTube playlist

Pace 1: If you're creating a playlist using your own content, click on your channel icon in the upper-right corner. On the drop-down menu that appears, choose, "Your channel."

How to create and edit a YouTube playlist on your channel - Step 1

Step 2: Y'all will now be able to see all of your videos. Once yous have decided on the first video you lot want to add to your playlist, just click on the three dots next to the video and click on "Save To playlist."

How to create and edit a YouTube playlist on your channel - Step 2

Step 3: Now select the "Create A New Playlist" choice.

How to create and edit a YouTube playlist on your channel - Step 3

Footstep four: Now add the name for your new playlist. Note that in that location is a 150 grapheme limit to this.

How to create and edit a YouTube playlist on your channel - Step 4

Step 5: Now you lot need to choose your privacy settings. To bring up the privacy settings, click on the drop-down arrow. You'll exist able to cull from 3 privacy settings.

How to create and edit a YouTube playlist on your channel - Step 5

Think well-nigh who will exist seeing your video and choose 1 of the following settings appropriately:

- Public: This setting is perfect for you if y'all want your videos to come up upwards in search results. Utilize the public setting for maximum exposure for your playlist and YouTube channel. - Unlisted: This means your playlist will not come up in search results, only yous tin share it with friends, family unit, co-workers, and customers. This is relevant for yous if you have a aqueduct with hyper-targeted webinars or videos to be shared with prospects, which can't be made public for competitors to see. In such a case, you could ship prospects an unlisted link. - Private: Yous should use the private setting only if you're creating the playlist for your personal utilise. These are playlists that you don't intend to share with anyone.

Stride 6: One time done with privacy settings click on the "Create" button to make your new playlist.

How to create and edit a YouTube playlist on your channel - Step 6

B. How do I find my playlist on YouTube?

To discover your playlist, only go to your YouTube channel homepage and click on the "Playlists" tab.

InVideo YouTube channel homepage

Sometimes, a individual playlist may non be visible on your aqueduct. If y'all cannot locate it, here's how to access a playlist on YouTube:

Pace i: Click on your profile/aqueduct icon on the right corner of your YouTube homepage. Now select the "YouTube Studio" selection.

how to access a playlist on YouTube - Step 1

Step two: Click on the "Playlists" option in the card on the left corner of the screen. Y'all will now be able to run across all the playlists on your channel.

how to access a playlist on YouTube - Step 2

C. How to add a video to my YouTube playlist?

Step 1: To add a video to your existing playlist, open up the video on YouTube and click on the "Save To" icon.

How to add a video to my YouTube playlist - Step 1

Step two: At present merely click on the box of the playlist you want to add your video to. You can likewise create a new playlist by clicking on the last selection of the menu.

How to add a video to my YouTube playlist - Step 2

That's it. You lot will meet a notification maxim "Your video has been added to <playlist name>."
Annotation: You lot can add the same video to multiple playlists if relevant every bit well.

D. How to bulk add videos to your YouTube playlist?

If you desire to add videos in majority to your playlist - follow this unproblematic step by step process which will aid you save time and effort.

Step ane: Go to your channel'due south homepage on YouTube. On your YouTube aqueduct, you'll meet all of your playlists listed nether "library" on the left side of the page. Select the relevant playlist.

How to bulk add videos to your YouTube playlist - Step 1

Step 2: Now click on the "More" icon (the 3 dots) and select the "Add Videos" option.

How to bulk add videos to your YouTube playlist - Step 2

Stride iii: You'll see a menu pop up on the screen. You tin search for videos by keywords and URL. If you desire to add your own videos, go to the "Your Youtube Videos" tab.

How to bulk add videos to your YouTube playlist - Step 3

Pace 4: Select all the videos you wish to add together by clicking on them. Once washed, click the "Add together Videos" push button. You will now encounter all the selected videos in your playlist.

How to bulk add videos to your YouTube playlist - Step 4

E. How to edit your YouTube playlist?

To edit your playlist, hither's what you lot need to practice:

Step one: Only go to your channel's homepage on YouTube. When y'all're logged in to your YouTube aqueduct, you lot'll come across all of your playlists listed under "library" on the left-hand side of the page. Select the relevant playlist.

How to edit your YouTube playlist - Step 1

Stride 2: Click on the edit button (pencil icon) next to the championship and the description to edit these respectively.

How to edit your YouTube playlist - Step 2

Stride 3: To edit the lodge of the videos, simply drag the videos to where y'all want them to be in the list, in a higher place or below respectively.

How to edit your YouTube playlist - Step 3

Pace iv: You can also reorganise your videos past using the "Sort" button and selecting the relevant selection from the dropdown card.

How to edit your YouTube playlist - Step 4

Step five: Finally, you can click on the "More" option (three dots next to the video) and select the "Move to top" or "Move to lesser" options to change the position of the video in the playlist.

How to edit your YouTube playlist - Step 5

Footstep 6: You can too remove a video by clicking on the "Remove from" selection. You tin too click on the 'Set up as Thumbnail' option to select a video thumbnail as the thumbnail for the playlist.

How to edit your YouTube playlist - Step 6

Step 7: Y'all can click on the "More" option (3 dots) above the description and click on "Collaborate" to share your playlist with collaborators. This gives them the ability to edit your playlist as well.

How to edit your YouTube playlist - Step 7

F. How to delete your playlist?

Follow this uncomplicated step-past-step guide to delete your YouTube Playlist:

Step 1: Become to your channel'south homepage on YouTube. You'll run into all of your playlists listed under 'library' on the left side of the page and select the relevant playlist.

How to delete your playlist - Step 1

Footstep 2: To delete the playlist, simply select the 'More' (3 dots) and click on the 'Delete Playlist' option.

How to delete your playlist - Step 2

Step 3: You will see a pop upward asking for confirmation. Just click the 'Delete' button again and your playlist will be deleted from YouTube.

How to delete your playlist - Step 3

three. YouTube playlist best practices

Only similar any YouTube video , you tin also optimise your YouTube playlists for best results. Nosotros take curated a few best practices for you lot to follow:

A. Pay attention to your title and descriptions

Your playlist's title and description play a huge role in making it discoverable. For this purpose, brand sure that its championship and description are optimised for search.

You can do this by avoiding generic titles. Instead apply compelling titles that highlight the benefits of your playlist. For example check out this playlist by Tastemade called "Must Effort Food & Drink Trends from Tastemade." By calling it a list of must try trends, the viewer can easily guess what the playlist is about and why she should watch it.

YT playlist best practices - Pay attention to title and descriptions

Don't forget to write a clarification that supports your title and outlines the major pros of your playlist. For example, if you are curious about the world, Vocalisation's playlist titles and descriptions invite you to watch more. Yous tin't aid only binge on these videos:

Netflix titles and description example

B. Keyword optimise your playlists

But like you would practise for your videos - you need to add keywords for the benefit of search to your playlists as well. For instance, when you lot search for walking workouts at home on YouTube, you see these walking at home playlists in your search results.

Keyword optimise playlists example

Optimising keywords helps with YouTube SEO - your playlists can rank in search results, leading to more YouTube video and playlist views .

According to YouTube's Creator University, YouTube shows videos that are topically related to each other in the Suggested videos column. For example, check out this playlist on Folklore by The School of Life featuring topical or related videos explaining the philosophies of different thinkers.

Playlist on Sociology by The School of Life featuring topical videos

Essentially, you are telling YouTube that the videos in a playlist are related. This ways that videos in a playlist are more likely to show upwardly as suggested videos.

C. Use 4-eight videos in sequence in a playlist

The sequence and number of videos in your playlists thing. You do non desire to overwhelm your viewers. Information technology is recommended to utilize upwards to 8 videos in your playlist. For example, most of the Tastemade playlists are express to 7-viii videos. Only a few playlists exceed this number.

Use 4-8 videos in sequence in a playlist

Also, when your videos are linked to each other or follow a theme, they take a much college chance of appointment. So make sure to organise your videos in a contextual style.

D. Use your best thumbnail and customise the layout on your channel page if possible

Similar to your YouTube videos, YouTube playlist thumbnails prove upward in your search results. So you desire to make sure that your playlist thumbnail is relevant and impactful. You tin edit your thumbnail past following the steps here .

Yous can also follow a template or a pattern for your YouTube thumbnails like The School of Life. This means when you finally create playlists, yous'll exist able to take specific layouts for your playlist thumbnails as well.

Example of YouTube thumbnails like The School of Life

E. Put your best videos on top in your playlists

When yous add a new video to your playlist, it gets added at the very end or bottom of your playlist by default - just you can sort your videos strategically in your playlists to get the best results. For example, Ali Abdal's playlist on using Notion for note taking starts with his best performing Notion video (with 1,002,538 views).

Put best videos on top of playlists - Ali Abdal's playlist example

You can do this too - but check which of your videos take the highest watch time, retention charge per unit, etc in the YouTube Studio. Put these videos at the top of your playlists so that you get higher rankings.

F. Add together an Intro video to your playlist

If you want to contextualise your playlists further to get the best out of YouTube, yous tin too create a specific intro video for your playlists. This is specially useful if y'all are repurposing erstwhile videos in a playlist. For example, bank check out this playlist past Yoga with Adriene which starts with a special introductory video that says "Start Hither" in the championship, thus suggesting to viewers that the playlist works in a sequence.

Use Invideo'due south free online editor to make your own professional person-looking YouTube playlist intros.

Wrapping Up -

Now that yous know how to create YouTube playlists - naught is stopping you from leveling-up your YouTube channel.

If you found this guide useful, yous'd definitely want to check out this swipe file of 212 YouTube video ideas to inspire you with video ideas and templates that you can use for your own channel.

And if you're looking to create pollex-stopping YouTube videos in minutes (even if you're not a PRO), sign up for a free account on InVideo to get started.

Also, if you have any questions or want to continue the conversation, hop over to the InVideo community and learn from 25K other marketers and video creators simply similar yous!


1. Can you make a playlist on YouTube for free?

Yes, you can make a playlist on YouTube for gratuitous. In this commodity , we share step-by-step tutorials on how to create, edit and delete a playlist.

two. How do I find my onetime playlist on YouTube?

You tin notice your old playlist on YouTube by going to your channel and clicking on the Playlist tab. In this article, we have shared a detailed guide on how you can detect your old playlist in this guide.

three. Can I add together the same video to multiple playlists?

Yes, y'all can add the same video to multiple playlists. Learn how to create, edit and delete a playlist in this article .

4. Why can't I create a playlist on YouTube?

You tin only create a playlist if you take an account on YouTube. Make sure to sign upwardly or login to YouTube in social club to create a playlist. Meanwhile, in this comprehensive guide , nosotros prove you how to create, edit and delete a playlist.

5. How do I make a playlist on YouTube mobile?

You tin create a playlist on YouTube mobile by simply tapping on the 'Save' pick beneath your video and then tapping the 'New Playlist' pick. Cheque out this article in which we share a step-by-step guide on how you can create a playlist.

half dozen. How to share a YouTube Playlist to collaborate?

You lot can share your YouTube playlist to collaborate by clicking on the 'More than' pick in the playlist edit menu and selecting the 'Collaborate' option. Find the detailed guide with pictures here . Meanwhile, in this article, we share how you can create, edit and delete a playlist.

This postal service was written past Upasna and edited by Abhilash from Squad InVideo


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